Personalized Quiz for all Magick and Spirituality people Review USA 2022

Personalized Quiz for all Magick and Spirituality people Review USA 2022


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Personalized Quiz for all Magick and Spirituality people Review USA 2022

Spiritual People of God

 This beginning was the start of a long journey for the spiritual people of God. The survivors are nowhere at the end of the Day as we know it. Those who have survived have, like me, reincarnated and have died horrendous deaths probably many times. They have dealt with the horror of unimaginable proportions as religious organisations punished them for their link to and power with God. Adam was cast adrift from the Garden of Eden, that is from the ways of hunting and gathering, to be targeted and to have the spirituality within tested to the limit.

The children produced by Eve are those belonging to God who came about through the suffering and pain borne by the Spirit itself. Men have treated the Spirit abominably and the retribution against them is now showing up in the torment and destruction of the world through the problems facing it and the ways of religions that dominate it.


The so-called sons of Adam and Eve were Cain and Abel. They are metaphors for the religious versus the Spirit. 'Ab-el' means 'father God' while 'Cain' is from 'X-an' or 'cross of An'. Cain killed Abel according to Genesis 6:8. The cross of An is what stood in the middle of the Day of the Lord. It is the sun that was worshipped as the Mother God and whose symbol is the cross.

In a vision, a man on a cross stood in front of me. He looked me in the eye and called my name. Inside I heard "take me off the cross." The look on his face was one of rejection, sorrow, innocence and above all one of searching for answers as to why? In the vision of the day, the time of noon was dark and it was then that the man on the cross, Jesus Christ, was invented by Constantine. He established the Catholic Church in 325 AD and used the image of the Mother God as his mother.

Men chose to think of God as a man that they could kill and manipulate. While they pleasure themselves in thinking they are made in the image of the Divine they are sadly mistaken. Only the Spiritual people of Israel (nothing to do with the Jews) are inheritors of that treasure.

My spirituality & reincarnation proves how wrong religions are that promote false gods. The Roman Catholic Religion is the source of most of the things people wrongly believe today.

Personalized Quiz for all Magick and Spirituality people Review USA 2022

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